Homework 3rd-8th Grade 2013-2014 School Year


Grades 3,4 & 5: You have no specific homework, just continue to practice your recorder! Use your fingering chart in the back of the book if you are unsure of notes!

Grade 6&7: Your projects are due 2/18 and 2/20. Research your musician(s)!

Grade 8: Your project is due 2/18. Research your film!

Grade 3 has homework this week (10/17/13) Practice your recorder for your first playing test, which is #5 on the paper I gave you today "A and B".

Grade 6: If you are retaking your quiz on Tuesday...STUDY!

4, 5, 7, 8- No homework
Grade 3: Continue to practice those recorders

Grade 4: Battiglia: Your playing test is C and D (9.2). Hawkins: You can choose to play March or Indian Chant for your playing test.

Grade 5: Enjoy the week off because of your quiz

Grade 6: Enjoy the week off because of your quiz

Grade 7: No Homework

Grade 8: Red: No Homework. Blue: Study for your quiz next class.

Grade 3: Practice your recorders!

Grade 4: Bring your recorder and book to class. Make you practice all of page 8! There is no playing test but I want to be able to play through all the songs.

Grade 5: Study your music definitions! You have a quiz next class!

Grade 6: Study your music definitions! You have a quiz next class!

Grade 7:

Grade8: Study your music definitions! You have a quiz in 2 classes!

Grade 4: Practice 8.2 on Page 8 in your recorder book. There will be a playing test next class.

Grade 5:

Grade 6: Study those music definitions, there will be a quiz in 2 classes. Also be prepared to sing more songs for mass!

Grade 7: No homework due to no class this week.

Grade 8: (Red) Please bring your Egyptian worksheet to class we will continue what we couldn't finish last week. (Blue) No homework. Both: Be prepared to sing more songs for mass.
Grade 3:  for the week of 9/9/13: No homework this week! Recorders will hopefully be in for next class.

Grade 4: for the week on 9/9/13: Please bring your music folder as well as your recorder and books next class. If you ordered a recorder please be patient!

Grade 5: Please remember to bring your recorders to next weeks class. If you are waiting for one, please be patient. Also bring a folder or notebook to class so we can continue our definitions. If you received a recorder book, bring that to class as well.

Grade 6: for the week on 9/9/13: Please bring your music folder to next class. Make sure it has paper in it so we can continue our definitions. Also bring soprano and alto recorders and your book back to class.

Grade 7: Be prepared to sing a new song for the October 4th Mass. Bring your music folder to next class.

Grade 8: Be prepared to sing next class in preparation of your Mass. Also bring your music folders, we will starting definitions.
Grade 3 for the week of 9\2\13: Please complete the Creative Writing for Music worksheet if you haven't already handed it in. Also, bring your music folders with lined paper and a pencil to class next week.

 Grade 4 for the week of 9\2\13: Please complete the Creative Writing for Music worksheet if you haven't already handed it in. Also, bring you recorders and music folders to class next week.

Grade 5 for the week of 9/23/13: Please complete the Creative Writing for Music worksheet if haven't already handed it in. Also, bring your recorders and music folders to class next week.

Grade 6 for the week of 9/2/13: Please complete the Creative Writing for Music worksheet if you haven't already handed it in. Also, bring you recorders and music folders to class next week.

Grade 7 for the week of 9/2/13: Please complete the Creative Writing for Music worksheet if you haven't already handed it in. Also, your music folders to class next week.

Grade 8 for the week of 9/2/13: Please bring your music folder to class next week.

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