Monday, February 24, 2014


Can you believe it's the end of February? It's hard to believe it's nearly March with the weather and snow days we've been having! I am hoping that we've seen the last of it and that spring is on it's way!

Due to the unpredictable weather, I'm being a bit lenient on when 6th, 7th and 8th grade projects are due. If your child was in a class that was supposed to hand their project in last Tuesday (The 18th) they can hand it in tomorrow and still get a full grade. Also, 7th graders in the Red group are due this Thursday because we could not get into the computer lab to do research like my other classes got to. However, after this week, regardless of what grade your child is in, if I do not have your child's project they will be docked a full letter grade. This is in addition to missing any sections on the rubric. I don't like being harsh like this, but otherwise I will be hunting kids down well into April, looking for a project that was supposed to be quick and fun for quarter three. Please, please, PLEASE email me or have your child see me on Tuesday if there are any problems or concerns.

In the younger grades we've been learning about jungle animals with a variety of songs, dances and activities. This week I will be reading Giraffe's Can't Dance by Giles Andreae. There will activities to go along with the book, Stay tuned!

My middle grades have been making great progress with the recorder! I'm hoping to have them play some duets and songs from other books in the coming weeks.

Have an excellent week,

Mrs. Beyus